Inspirational stories, songs and activities for kids to promote character and emotional development
Macaroni and Cheese Anthology
is a six volume collection of stories, songs and activities for elementary school age children (4-9 yrs old) and their parents, designed to champion a child’s unique view of the world. Based on character building concepts such as cultivating gratitude, self-esteem, and mediocrity, this content is meant to cultivate children’s emotional intelligence and ignite their excitement for literacy, while supporting parents as a tool for EQ learning and conscious parenting.
Volume 1 is the first of what will eventually be six volumes + workbook. Released in March 2013, this first volume has collected a Mom's Choice Award, Book of the Year from Creative Child Magazine (category: self-esteem,) and two Awards of Excellence from Best Ever You Magazine. Along the way, we have established partnerships with national non-profit literacy organization, Kids Need to Read, and Glimmer Body Art.
Witness the magic.
We have measured close to 1,000 students before and after our workshop program and have data to support up to 30% improvement in the quality of their emotional intelligence; awareness and comprehension of concepts such as gratitude, compassion, kindness, resilience, and self-esteem. Watch the video to see Macaroni and Cheese in action!