In the Press
This Content Creator Uses Her Work to Empower Girls and Women in Business.
Oct 18, 2019
“One of her biggest endeavors is publishing a children’s book anthology called Macaroni and Cheese. She’s even created Macaroni and Cheese workshops at schools to help foster literacy, raise EQ, and help parents to behave more consciously with their children.”
Best Ever You Magazine
“Elizabeth's Best - Stacie Isabella Turk's Macaroni and Cheese”
May 4, 2017
Macaroni and Cheese was selected for Best Ever You Magazine’s Elizabeth's Best Award and Best Ever You Blue Ribbon Award.
The Video is Finished
The Macaroni and Cheese Video is Finished!
April 12, 2017
The video for Macaroni and Cheese has been finished!
Blog Talk Radio - Money for lunch
“Macaroni and Cheese Interview with Stacie Isabella Turk”
July 13, 2016
Stacie Isabella Turk discusses conscious parenting, gratitude, and all things Macaroni and Cheese in a radio interview.
(it) magazine
“Girls Gobble Up Macaroni and Cheese!”
June 26, 2015
“Inspiring all girls to be Strong, Smart and Bold”
Mom’s choice Awards
Macaroni and Cheese Anthology is honored with a Mom’s Choice Award
February 10, 2014
Our monthly press release introduces you to award winning products and services that have EARNED the Mom’s Choice Awards Honoring Excellence seal.
Congratulations Award Winners …
Welcome Honorees & Visitors! We’re glad you’re here to meet our newest members of the Mom’s Choice Awards® family! The award-winning products and services you see here were rigorously evaluated not just by parents, but subject matter experts. In our program, the “best in family friendly” is more than just quality and durability.
Products and services that earn our Honoring Excellence seal must be:
•Morally and technically sound
•Help families grow emotionally, physically and spiritually
•Morally sound and promote good will
•Inspirational and uplifting.
Dandelion moms - Thrive guide
Discover Your ‘Self ‘..Books that Inspire and Enlighten
December 13, 2013
Stacie Isabella Turk contributed to Discover Your ‘Self ‘, books that inspire and enlighten for Dandelion Moms Thrive Guide.
Dandelion Women - Planting Seeds
Written and Photographed by Stacie Isabella Turk
October 26, 2013
Stacie Isabella Turk contributed to Dandelion Women PARENTING : PLANTING SEEDS blog.
Cupcake Trainings
Christmas Gifts for Kids by Renae Christine
October 7, 2013
“This book isn’t just fun, it should be mandatory for every kid!”
Creative Child Magazine
2013 Book of the Year Winner : Self-Esteem
June 19, 2013
Macaroni and Cheese Anthology: Volume 1 won Creative Child Magazine’s 2013 Book of the Year Award for the Self-Esteem Category.
Creative Child Magazine
Macaroni and Cheese Anthology Feature
May 15, 2013
Macaroni and Cheese Anthology: Volume 1 was featured in Creative Child Magazine!