About Volume 1
Ribbonhead is thrilled to publish Volume I of what we intend to be a full anthology of 6, complete with 18 stories, songs, and play activities. We have assembled a boatload of talent which we offer up on a plate (pun intended) for you in bite size content of a few stories + in each volume.
In addition to the author, contributing MAC AND CHEESE artists include seven super talented professional peeps listed below: illustrators, storytellers, singers and songwriters. With artistic images on every page, we hope to excite parents to read with your kids everyday. We have added groovy tunes that will make you want to get up and dance with your child until you are both giggling... and maybe singing in the car too! The narrated audio stories, can lull your kids on a car ride, while the stimulating play activities are designed to help parents integrate these emotionally intelligent character building concepts into children’s daily lives through art, imagination, and joy!
Gone are the days of introducing gratitude into the home with obligatory and unconscious thank you notes. Instead, we have created a joyful and consistent tool that can be read, danced, sung and crafted…activating the growth of their emotional intelligence to bloom while supporting a conscious parenthood for you.
Author: Stacie Isabella Turk
Illustrators: Gary Solomon and Mike Muffins
Musical composer: Byron Thames
Song vocalists: Janelle Sadler, Byron Thames
Story narrators: Gillian Clark, Tre Braswell,“B”
Background vocals: Sarah Heifetz, Chloe Samouhi, Holden Chabot
3 Stories
Sabrina and Her Committee
A little girl’s path leads her to battle the “committee” of critical voices in her head, until the most important and truest internal voice, Grace, pushes herself forward into Sabrina’s life, letting her know that she does not need to be influenced by her committee at all when she listens to the truest voice inside her heart.
13 rules for identifying aliens who are disguised as earthlings and are visiting here from the planet ADEQUATE in the universe MEDIOCRE. This story addresses how to be your best in each moment instead of doing just enough to get by.
Grumpy, Grouchy, and Grateful
The Brothers Catepillar do not share the same perspective on life. Grateful’s attitude is not only the most flexible and expansive, but we see how being grateful is a conscious choice he makes again and again. While he may live the same life as his brothers, day in and out, his experience is quite different based on the grateful lens through which he sees the world.
2 Songs
Forget the Rest
Written by: Byron Thames
Performed by: Janelle Sadler
Attitude of Gratitude
Written and Performed By:
Byron Thames
3 Activities
Gratitude Journal
Table Setting
Word Scramble